Our Practice

Dr. Marcos Chertman and Dr. Lila Chertman are a unique team of father and daughter board certified Endocrinologists with a family tradition of comprehensive and compassionate evidence-based care. The main medical practice is based in the beautiful Bay Harbor Islands, with an ancillary location near Little Havana. We are fully bilingual (English & Spanish) and accept Medicare and several other insurance plans. If you do not have insurance, are out of network, are traveling from another country, or simply want care within one week, we specialize in Direct Care Self-Pay that is uniquely tailored to you including House Calls and Telehealth options. We perform thyroid ultrasounds, fine needle aspirations, bone density examinations, and total body composition analysis. We hope you enjoy meeting our therapy dog in-training who visits a few times a month and interacting with our medical students.


El Doctor Marcos Chertman y la Doctora Lila Chertman son un equipo de endocrinólogos padre e hija que siguen una tradición familiar de cuidar a sus pacientes de manera integral. Hablamos español y aceptamos Medicare y algunos otros seguros. Especializamos en varias opciones de Self-Pay o Pago Directo para los pacientes de otros países, pacientes que no tienen seguro, o simplemente pacientes que desean visitas entre una semana, incluyendo visitas a domicilio y visitas virtuales. Hacemos ultrasonidos y biopsias de tiroides, densitometría ósea y análisis de composición corporal. Esperamos que disfruten de conocer al perrito de terapia y a los estudiantes de medicina.

Meet the Doctors

Dr. Marcos Chertman M.D., FACE, ECNU

Dr. Marcos Chertman is board certified in Endocrinology, Internal Medicine, and holds the Endocrine Certification in Neck Ultrasound. He graduated the famed Cayetano Heredia School of Medicine in Lima, Peru and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Dr. Marcos completed his Endocrinology fellowship at McGill University and its prestigious Queen Victoria Hospital. His decades of experience encompass leading the Peruvian American Medical Society as its president through which he organized a scientific convention and medical mission in Peru, and has been Chief of Endocrinology, and Chief of Medicine, at Cedars Medical Center. Dr. Marcos has published several research articles and presented at conferences both locally and abroad and has conducted clinical research as part of his practice. He is Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Studies at Ross University and enjoys teaching the future generation of doctors as a clinical preceptor. He has lectured at Barry University and University of Miami multiple times and serves as voluntary faculty at the University of Miami. Dr. Marcos has a loyal following of patients that have been seeing him for several decades and truly appreciate his kind demeanor, warm bedside manner, and true dedication to bringing healing in a humanistic and comprehensive manner.

Lila S. Chertman M.D., ECNU

Dr. Lila Chertman is board certified in Endocrinology, Internal Medicine, and holds the Endocrine Certification in Neck Ultrasound. She completed her fellowship in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism at the University of Miami/Jackson Health System and her residency in Internal Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center. She is passionate about physician advocacy and during residency served as a Health Policy Fellow for US Senator Bill Cassidy and was on the Council of Residents through the American College of Physicians. Dr. Lila graduated from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine with Alpha Omega Alpha and Phi Beta Kappa distinction. She completed her Bachelors of Science in Psychology with a Minor in Chemistry at the University of Miami where she graduated Cum Laude. She has published several scientific papers and abstracts, a book chapter, and is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Studies at Ross University. She has volunteered on medical missions in Peru and outside of medicine, is also a professional singer and cantor.

Conditions We Treat

  • Type 1 Diabetes

  • Insulin Pump Management

  • Continuous Glucose Monitor analysis

  • Inhaled insulin

  • Insulin patches

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Pre-diabetes

  • Gestational Diabetes

  • Obesity & Weight Loss (Self-Pay Only)

  • Body Composition Analysis

  • At home Sleep Study testing

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Hashimoto’s

  • Hyperthyroidism

  • Grave’s disease

  • Thyroid Nodules:

  • Thyroid Ultrasounds & Biopsies

  • Thyroid Cancer

  • Thyroid management in Pregnancy

  • Elevated Cholesterol

  • Diabetes Insipidus

  • Sodium Disorders

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

  • Low Testosterone

  • Menopause

  • Osteoporosis

  • Bone Density testing

  • Parathyroid disorders

  • Calcium disorders

  • Adrenal Nodules

  • Adrenal Insufficiency

  • Addison’s disease

  • Pituitary Tumors

  • Cushing’s Syndrome

  • Acromegaly

  • Prolactin abnormalities

  • Neuroendocrine tumors

  • Pheochromocytoma

  • Hyperaldosteronism

  • Potassium Disorders


$450 New Patient Visit

$250 Follow Up Visit

$100 Telehealth (Follow Ups Only)

$600 House Call Visit (radius of 60 miles)

Your co-pay, deductible, co-insurance, and patient balance are due at time of check -in before you see the doctor.

If your insurance requires a referral it must be on file before your visit.

Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration

Thyroseq Molecular Analysis

Thyroid Ultrasound

Body Composition Analysis

Bone Densitometry

Genetic Testing in Obesity

Insulin Pump & CGM Analyses

Buy In-Office for a Limited time

Natural Eco-Stevia

$18 per Bottle

Imported from Bolivia.

Pure Stevia. NO Erythritol.

0 Calorie

1/8 teaspoon = 3 Tablespoons of Sugar.

Contact Us & Locations 

CALL our Office for Appointments

PHONE 305-861-8450

Fax 888-927-8094


MAIN OFFICE: 1111 Kane Concourse Suite 511, Bay Harbor, FL 33154

330 SW 27 Ave, Suite 503, Miami, FL 33135


BY CREDIT CARD: Subject to 4% Service Surcharge - Your invoice will be sent by Email with a secure payment link.

BY CHECK: Make payable to “Marcos Chertman M.D. P.A.” and mail to 1111 Kane Concourse Suite 511, Bay Harbor, FL, 33154

Do not share your personal medical information online